Shu Kong

Assistant Professor; University of Macau [GitHub] [Google Scholar]
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I am on the faculty of FST, University of Macau, and CSE, Texas A&M University. I lead the Computer Vision Lab. I did my postdoc training at the Robotics Institute, CMU, working with Deva Ramanan. I received my PhD from UC-Irvine, working with Charless Fowlkes.

My research lies in Computer Vision and its interactions with other fields (e.g., ML, NLP, HCI, robotics, and graphics), broad applications (e.g., AR/VR, autonomous driving, etc.), and diverse disciplines (e.g., biology, paleoecology, psychology, special education, etc.). My current research focuses on Visual Perception via Learning in the Open World (VPLOW). My previous paper on this topic was recognized for Best Paper / Marr Prize at ICCV 2021. My previous work that applied AI to interdisciplinary research built a high-throughput pollen analysis system, which was featured by the National Science Foundation that “opens a new era of fossil pollen research”.

I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD students at CIS, FST, University of Macau. PhD students will be fully funded with fellowships. I am NOT actively looking for PhD students at CSE, TAMU.


  • gmail: aimerykong [at] gmail [dot] com [issues related to others; unlikely to reply]
  • email: skong [at] um [dot] edu [dot] mo [issues related to the University of Macau]
  • email: shu [at] tamu [dot] edu [issues related to TAMU]



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